Friday, August 26, 2011

Spread the Word!

I have been so excited about this contest!  I need YOUR help getting the word out on my books and so I'm giving away some great prizes to encourage your help.  :)  View a enlarged photo of the prizes.

Between now and October 31, you could win 1 of 6 fabulous conference bags packed with books, SWAG and other cool stuff. All you have to do is TALK ABOUT ERIN’S BOOKS and tell others to spread the word.

1. Talk about Erin’s books on Facebook.  First, like  (yes, Author is misspelled, yes there was vodka involved, no, according to FB, I can never, ever get it fixed).  Next  talk about my books on YOUR page so your friends see it and mention @Erin Quinn Author--this will link it to my page).  Share your post and encourage others to help spread the word—then fill out the form here to enter.

2. Tweet about Erin’s books and mention @ErinQuinnAuthor (spelled correctly that time), encourage others to help spread the word—then fill out the form here.

3. Blog about my books or review them on your website guessed it, fill out the form here.

You can enter every single time you talk about Erin’s books to better your chances of winning--so don't forget to fill out the form each time you mention me or my books! These bags have so much cool stuff in them—I’ve been collecting it for a year and now I can’t wait to give them away! So help me spread the word! Releases to talk about:

ECHOES (re-release), came out August 15 for the low, low eBook price of $2.99 and print price of (coming soon).

HAUNTING BEAUTY (re-release—Book 1 in the Mists of Ireland series) comes out September 1. eBook and print $7.99.

HAUNTING EMBRACE (Book 4 in the Mists of Ireland series) comes out October 1. Pre-order eBook $9.99, Print 10.09 (33% savings!).

To enter, go here:


Modokker said...

lol quit that drinking woman! Darn Facebook. You know I'll help you any way i can. If there is anything extra let me know.

Lisa B

Wall-to-wall books said...

Hey Erin,
I posted about it and entered your contest.
Wow! Great giveaway!

Erin Quinn said...

Hi Lisa and Wendy, thanks so much to both of you. Good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

love to live in that room :))

Erin Quinn said...

Hey Blackroze--how you doing? yes, the room is full of cool stuff!

Chrisbails said...

Posted and entered Erin. Can't wait for the new book. Keep on writing the great books.

Aurian said...

Thanks to the bookreading gals, I am a new follower. I don't do facebook or twitter, but I will read one of your books soon, and post a review on my own blog.

I love love author swag, especially bookmarks.

Erin Quinn said...

Hi Aurian, that would be GREAT. Let me know when you post!!!