As I mentioned earlier this week, this month I'm featuring Donna Hatch on my website, in my contest and here on my blog. I've had the pleasure of knowing Donna for several years and remember her shout of joy when she sold her first book, THE STRANGER SHE MARRIED. Donna will be giving away an autographed copy of THE STRANGER SHE MARRIED to my winner this month. Along with that, you'll get a $10 gift Amazon.com gift card, a HAUNTING BEAUTY tote bag and I've been known to throw in another book as well. Entering is as easy as sending me an email. Go to: http://www.erinquinn.info and click on contest for more details.
Now, onto to my cutting edge, sure to thrill interview with Donna.
Welcome, Donna, and thank you for stopping by to visit. Brace yourself for my deep and meaningful questions. Enquiring minds want to know...ya know?
EQ: Donna, if money were no object would you prefer domestic help or would you cook and clean yourself?
DH: Are you kidding me? I’d LOVE to give the job of cooking and cleaning to someone else! Can I have them do the laundry, too?
EQ: If you could go back in time, with whom would you like to spend a day?
DH: I’d love to spend the day with Jane Austen, not only because she was so witty and clever, but I’d love to clear up a few historical mysteries about that time period. And I’d probably want more than just a day.
EQ: Yes, I agree with you there. She's on my list too. Right after John Wayne. :-) Okay, next probing question. If you could trade places with one person, who would it be?
DH: Hmmmm, how about Hugh Jackman’s love interest? (Just kidding, honey) Actually, I’d love to be Julia Quinn, or Candice Hern – you know someone who is already a best-selling Regency Author. Not that I’d want them to take my place with my husband…
EQ: (note to self, Donna's heroes might share certain characteristics with Hugh Can-He-Be-Any-Sexier Jackman.) What's the bravest thing you've ever done?
DH: Would you believe I literally threw myself in front of a moving car to save my six year old son? Okay, so the car wasn’t moving very fast, but he’d been knocked down by the car and was underneath it, caught, and was being dragged along a gravel driveway, and his head was dangerously close to the tire. I think by the time I actually got in front of the car, it had stopped, but I’m still not sure about that.
EQ: Wow! Who knew? I was expecting something like--"told my boss to go to hell and quit my job." Forget the interview--tell me more.
DH: Here’s what happened. Unbeknownst to us, my son Kurt was hiding in front of the car, planning on jumping out and saying “boo” when my husband walked around in front to get in. Unfortunately, my husband walked around the back of the car, started it and pulled forward before anyone knew what was happening. When I saw that Kurt was under the car, I screamed at my husband to stop, and then did a baseball slide underneath the front bumper to grab him. I was 8 months pregnant at the time with my third child. After a helicopter ride and a 24 hour hospital stay, Kurt came home with only minor injuries and a goodly number of stitches. Kurt is 19 now and except for a large, C-shaped scar on his head that’s only visible if his hair is really short, he has no lasting problems. He does have a healthy respect for cars and car safety, but he still likes to jump out and say “boo.”
EQ: That is an amazing story, Donna. Wow. That's all I can say. Next question seems lame after that one. Have you been told you look like someone famous?
DH: Oh, yeah, I’m a dead ringer for Angelina Jolie. Ahem. Okay, not really. Actually no one has ever said I look like someone famous. But in the morning with my frizzy hair, I resemble Medusa.
EQ: LOL. Okay, I knew this was going to be fun, but you're killing me.
Okay sports fan--I mean readers--be sure to enter my contest for a copy of Donna's debut THE STRANGER SHE MARRIED. For more information about Donna, you can visit her website at http://www.donnahatch.net/bookshelf.htm
Hi Donna! Quick question...with all the genre's out there, what draws you to the regency/historical one?
Hi Donna!
What a great interview! Such fun. I'm so happy for your success with your writing. Congratulations, and I wish you the very best!
Hi Donna, Congrats on your success. I'm so happy for you. And if I'm ever being dragged along by a car, I'm really hoping you're somewhere nearby!
Why regency/historical? I love fantasy because it is a totally new world. Historical is a lot like fantasy - a whole new world unlike the world in which we live. I like the historicals which are accurate, liberally sprinkled with fantasy to avoid the icky stuff. Regency is cool because it was totally unique, and so much changed during that time period. I actually just blogged about Regency and why I love it on my blog if you want to read more http://donnahatch.blogspot.com/
Thanks for stopping by!
i'm pretty sure I'd be ok with being Hugh Jackman's love interest...
although as a 2cd choice I confess i'd love to have a proper tea with Jane Austen.
Nancy in NH
I agree with you Nancy in NH--I wouldn't say no to either one!
Great interview. Congrats on your success Donna.
Hi Donna,
Congrats on your success. Hard work does pay off and good writing, such as you do, guarantees it.
I am so glad your son is fine. I lost a cousin when he was 4. He snuck out of the house to play driving with the car keys, heard his mom calling, knocked the car in gear, jumped out and the car rolled over him. It is a horrific accident that no one ever forgets.
Hi Donna-
great interview- I'm sorry I couldn't do this sooner but-shoot-have I been busy! And what a story about your son. And I'm totally shocked that he's 19, You must have had him when you were 19!!
Take care and conratulations on your book(s)
Interesting questions and answers.
Hugh is a hottie!
OMGosh, Donna! I'm glad your rescue story about your son turned out well. I think that would have aged me right there!
Thanks to everyone who stopped by. It was great to read all your comments. Thank you for making sure I didn't feel lonely and for all your wishes.
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